Titbits From Abroad
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Týdenní mozaika 30. ledna - 5. února 2016

5.2.2016 |








Freeing Julian Assange: The Last Chapter By John Pilger

As Yemen Bleeds, British Profits from Weapons Sales “Bury Human Rights”

US Regime Change Talks on Syria Hit Blind Alley

О современных адептах механицизма

Налоговый рай переехал в США

«Мы точно знаем, что делать потом»

L’Arabie saoudite contre l’Iran : la plaque tectonique du pétrole de Qatif par Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

L’armée arabe syrienne, appuyée par l’aviation russe, prépare la grande offensive par Valentin Vasilescu

Sous le masque « anti-Daesh » par Manlio Dinucci

Los orígenes del nazismo antes, ahora y después

Bruno Rodríguez: No apreciamos avances tangibles en la eliminación del bloqueo (+ Video)

Credit Occupy in Bernie Sanders’ Surge

Progressives Nationwide Seek to Take Bernie Sanders’ ‘Political Revolution’ Into Congress

You Say You Want a Revolution? A Sanders-Led Movement Is Rolling

How the Media Hide Undocumented Workers

A Theory of Change to Believe In

Праймериз в Айове: первый успех несистемных кандидатов

Приоритеты Пентагона и «быстрый глобальный удар»

Лишь бы Сноуден не проявился, джентльмены!

Чем придётся расплачиваться Украине за польские программы развития

Кто приходит сегодня на рынки Ирана

Israel-Backed Group Sues Food Co-op for Boycotting Israeli Products

The 13th Amendment Created Legal Slavery Through Incarceration

Trade Officials Sign the TPP but It's Still Up to Lawmakers to Reject It

Hillary Is a Member of the 1% - That's the Real Wall Street Connection

What Would Sanders Do? An Analysis of His Proposals

Surely Hillary Clinton Knows Why Wall Street Pays Her

La Via Campesina: Building an International Movement for Food and Seed Sovereignty

Naomi Klein: Climate Change "Not Just About Things Getting Hotter"

Americans Are Running Away From Corporate Media

The "State" of Health-Care Reform: Activists Push for Universal Primary Care in Vermont

Contextualizing Hillary Clinton's New Attack Ad Against Bernie Sanders

The Legacy of George W Bush: 10 Million Refugees and 250,000 Deaths over the Past Five Years

Delusions on Syria prevail in official Washington By Philip Giraldi

U.S. Created Daesh (ISIS)

Europe is Disintegrating While its Citizens Watch Indifferent By Roberto Savio

Barnett’s Five Flows of Globalisation

Coercive Engineered Migration: Zionism's War on Europe

Four Horsemen of the Democracy

You Were Not Allowed to Know That Bankers Can Be Jailed

Mainstream media’s well-kept secret

Tomgram: Ira Chernus, The Peace Movement's War Story

Tomgram: Nomi Prins, The Big Money and What It Means in Election 2016

Goodbye Petrodollar: Russia Accepts Yuan, Is Now China's Biggest Oil Partner

Watch Ash Carter Lie About Why He Let Turkey Supply ISIL with Oil

There Is No Freedom Without Truth — Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Is The Greatest Threat To World Order — Paul Craig Roberts

The West Is Reduced To Looting Itself — Paul Craig Roberts

The West Is Traveling The Road To Economic Ruin — Paul Craig Roberts