Titbits From Abroad
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Týdenní mozaika 20. - 27. února 2016

27.2.2016 |








‘We Are Not Denmark’: Hillary Clinton and Liberal American Exceptionalism

The Human Rights Risks of Encryption ‘Back Doors’

War, What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing.

VIDEO: Black Lives Matter Protester Demands Hillary Clinton Account for 1990s ‘Superpredator’ Remark

The Mad Violence of Casino Capitalism

VIDEO: ‘Days of Revolt’: Chris Hedges and Jill Stein Confront the ‘Corporate Leviathan’

Comment la Turquie soutient les jihadistes par Thierry Meyssan

Washington envisage la restauration de la monarchie en Libye

Soixante-dix ans de harcèlement contre les gouvernements et le peuple européens

Selected Articles: Neoconservatism, “National Security”, and the 2016 Presidential Elections

Military Analysis: US Military presence in Europe

Find Out Why the US Considers Russia “Threat Number One” to America’s Security. Bonanza for US Weapons Industry

Syria: UN Humanitarian Aid “Accidentally” Lands in ISIS-Controlled Territory in Deir Ezzor

US Bombs ISIS in Libya, Allies Support ISIS in Libya

Toronto’s Homeless Shelters Bursting at the Seams

The Russian-American Agreement on Syria?

David Cameron – In or Out of Europe – Victory or Farce?

West’s Wars, Domestic Storms: Fascists, Terrorists, & “Multiculturalism”

Color Revolutions as an Element of Net-Centric Warfare

The Globalization of NATO: Military Doctrine of Global Warfare

US Presidential Elections 2016: The Revolt of the Masses

Hillary Clinton, The Council on Foreign Relations and The Establishment

Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of its Parliament

Regime Change in Ankara? More Likely Than You Think

The Clintons and Wall Street: 24 Years of Enriching Each Other

Beyond Campaign Finance

Why Philosophy Mattered (and Should Still Matter) to Revolutionaries

Can We Give Meaning to Syria’s Destruction?

What Might a Cooperative Economy Actually Look Like?

Polish government expands police state powers

The rape of East Timor: "Sounds like fun"

Еврокомиссия ведёт дело к ужесточению административного контроля над рынком газа

Сирия, или Игра в напёрстки по плану «Б»

Украинский алгоритм

Обречённое перемирие?

Смерть денег и альтернативные экономические отношения

Турция уничтожает умеренную сирийскую оппозицию

Турецкие власти продолжают террор против курдского населения

Ангела Меркель и от мёртвого осла уши

Саудовская Аравия в сирийской войне: блеф и реальность

Придётся ли полякам воевать на сирийских фронтах?

The Evil Empire Has The World In A Death Grip — Paul Craig Roberts

The Public Is Being Looted By Privatization And Deregulation — Paul Craig Roberts

Do Americans Live In A False Reality Created By Orchestrated Events? — Paul Craig Roberts

Noam Chomsky Wants You to Wake Up From the American Dream

Terrorism Is American as Apple Pie

Clipping the United States' Hedge Funds

The Dominant Media, "Left-Leaning" Economists and the Illusion of Consensus

Vulture Funds Put to UN Human Rights Test

Democracy and Decentralization: UK Labour Leaders Reframe Socialism for the 21st Century

The Federal Reserve Board and the Elections

Hacer nuestro socialismo más participativo, inclusivo y democrático, con la Constitución como su instrumento de defensa permanente

Estados Unidos-Cuba: ocho mitos de una confrontación histórica (Tercera Parte y Final)

Newly Translated WikiLeaks Saudi Cable Overthrow the Syrian Regime, but Play Nice with Russia

Russians Ride Fast By Israel Shamir

Why "Brexit" Would Be Good News for Russia

Turkey is Screwed. And it’s all US Fault

Balkanizing the Middle East The REAL Goal of America and Israel

М.Делягин, "Довести до Майдана: бюджет и политика либерального клана"