Titbits From Abroad
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Týdenní mozaika 13. - 19. února 2016

19.2.2016 |








Как Польша с Германией разделили русскую землю

Две холодные войны: найдите отличия

Вспомнить 1980-е и не повторить ошибок.

Коллапс Европы?

Про Беловежский сговор, или О правовом статусе СССР

21 New Numbers That Show That The Global Economy Is Absolutely Imploding

World War III Approaches: Saudi Arabia And Turkey Drop Hints That An Invasion Of Syria Is Imminent

Rapport de renseignement russe sur l’aide actuelle turque à Daesh

L’ancien chef d’état-major britannique dénonce la politique anti-Syrie

John Kerry y Malmierca conversan en Washington

Expanded Version: The Us Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover

The Neoconservatives Are Brewing A Wider War In Syria — Paul Craig Roberts

США не простят Путину победу в Сирии, — Джульетто Кьеза

Francia arremete contra exdirector de la prisión de Guantánamo

Europa encadenada. Plan B o esclavitud

El referéndum es una excusa del PSOE y de las derechas para que no se establezca un gobierno de izquierdas

Economic Update: Capitalism Is the Problem

Warren Report Criticizes Obama Administration's Failure to Prosecute Corporate Crimes

Noam Chomsky on Corporate Media and Activism

The Empire's War on the Border

Why Americans Like Socialism

Bernie Sanders Is Creating a New and Untested Electoral Force in American Politics

In Privacy Fight, Apple CEO Tim Cook Is a Model of Civic Leadership From the Private Sector

Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath

The NSA Has Been Using An Algorithm To Decide Who Gets Killed With Drone Strikes

British Public Being Sold Down the River in Democracy Deception By Graham Vanbergen 

Has the Crash of the Global Financial Markets Begun?

Road To World War III: Turkish Army Enters Syria After Second Day Of Shelling As Saudi Warplanes Arrive  

Privacy Activists Rally Around Apple in ‘Most Important Tech Case in a Decade’

Glenn Greenwald: ‘Hillary Clinton Vows to Embrace an Extremist Agenda on Israel’

Thomas Piketty: Bernie Sanders Heralds a New Era in American Politics

Бартер, или Жизнь без денег

Беженцы как спусковой крючок общеевропейского кризиса

Летающие тарелки над Мечетью Султанахмет

Украина: кто под масками революции? (II)

Из Мюнхена: суд инквизиции в палате номер шесть

Пять лет спустя. Разрушение Ливии продолжается

Власти Польши маскируют масштаб злодеяний, совершённых украинскими националистами на Волыни

Кто творит миф «общей белорусско-украинской борьбы за независимость»?

Мировые финансы и налог Робин Гуда

Украина. Демографический обвал и исчезновение русских. Есть ли у народа шанс?

Russia Lances the Poison in Syria

Ankara Bombing Fails To Achieve Strategic Changes

10 Secret Armies of the Central Intelligence Agency

FBI Won’t Explain Its Bizarre New Way of Measuring Its Success Fighting Terror

Hillary Clinton Again Declines to Disclose What She Told Big Banks in Her Paid Speeches

“I Feel Like a Despised Insect”: Coming of Age Under Surveillance in New York

Wife of CIA Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling Asks Obama to Pardon Him

Greatest Threat to Free Speech in the West: Criminalizing Activism Against Israeli Occupation By Glenn Greenwald and Andrew Fishman

How Israel is 'Turning Palestinians into Zionists'

“They Really Don’t Want This Out”: The Biggest Iraq War Scandal That Nobody’s Talking About

Beached America

Washington’s Machiavellian Game in Syria By F. William Engdahl

Cold War Redux Dishing it to the Russkies By Philip Giraldi

Iraq post-9/11: Bob Gates, Careerist Sycophancy, and the Real History of the Deep State

The Federal Reserve and the Global Fracture

Puerto Ricans Suffer as Creditors Feast on Debt Colony

Russian Diplomat Drops a Bombshell: US Expected ISIS to Seize Damascus by October

Syria: The Final Act Begins

Why Wall Street Won Round One and We Might Win the Next

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