Titbits From Abroad
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Týdenní mozaika 6. - 12. února 2016

12.2.2016 |








Capitalism, Slavery, Racism and Imprisonment of People of Color Cannot Be Separated

Mass Incarceration Since 1492: Native American Encounters With Criminal Injustice

How Super PAC Donors Hide Behind Shady LLCs

A New Era of Global Protest Begins

Big Campaign Cash for Clinton From Monsanto Lobbyist

Economic Update: Lessons About and From Socialism

L’Arabie saoudite contre l’Iran : la plaque tectonique du pétrole de Qatif par Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

Olga Rosa González: La guerra mediática de EEUU contra Cuba continúa

Líder de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa se reunirá con Raúl en Cuba

Departamento de Agricultura de EEUU prevé abrir oficina en Cuba

Lo que la Comisión Europea ocultó, dañando enormemente a la población

El futuro de la política venezolana en manos indígenas

Democracy in Peril: Twenty Years of Media Consolidation Under the Telecommunications Act

Why Our Government Isn't Listening: How Greed Is at the Root of US Suffering

Without Paper Ballots, Fear of Vote Rigging Clouds 2016 Primaries

How Bernie Sanders' Grassroots Fundraising Machine Is Defying the 2016 "Billionaire Primary"

Why Are Black Girls and Women Dying in Police Custody?

Could Unelected Superdelegates Give Clinton the Nomination Even if Sanders Wins the Primaries?

Yanis Varoufakis on the Origins of the European and Global Economic Crisis

Regulating Banks vs. Displacing Them: Where Clinton and Sanders Disagree on Wall Street

Сжиженный газ и прозрачные интересы

Ангела Меркель: скачка на лошади лицом к хвосту

Can the Establishment Fix Its Bernie Sanders Problem?

What US Congress Researchers Reveal about Washington’s “Regime Change” Designs on Syria

Decoding the US Empire of Chaos: The Global Reversal of the Social Evolution of Humanity

Pro-Israel Lobby Shudders as Bernie Sanders Beats Clinton and Threatens Neocons in Washington and Wall Street

Israel's International Conspiracy

Nearly every western country has an Israel lobby

Video: The Legitimacy of American Democracy: Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark

Economics Professor: Negative Interest Rates Aimed at Driving Small Banks Out of Business and Eliminating Cash

War Crimes Tribunal Finds Bush and Blair Guilty

Britain’s House Price Crash – 2016 Predictions Mount

Сближение России и Австрии в области газовой энергетики

Процентное зазеркалье центробанков создало условия для второй волны мирового финансового кризиса

Приоритеты Пентагона и «быстрый глобальный удар»

Экономисты предупреждают о грядущем 80-процентном обвале фондового рынка

Ни один телеканал в России не сообщил о победе российского спецназа в США

Saudi invasion of Syria: The Bluff That Could Ignite World War III By Finian Cunningham

How Corporate Bamboozlers Intend to Widen Inequality in America

The Return Of Crisis

Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By 2050

150 Years of US Civil Rights Legislation and the Struggle for Black Power

Erdogan to US: ‘Me or Terrorists?’ Must Choose Between Turkey and Syrian Kurds

Netanyahu Wants an Arab-Free Knesset

Грузия и НАТО: плановое разочарование

Украина и варяги, которые ею владеют

Старая Европа и «новые варвары»

Джозеф Най пробует «мягкую силу» на Америке