Titbits From Abroad
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Týdenní mozaika 16. - 29. ledna 2016

29.1.2016 |








L’Allemagne et l’Onu contre la Syrie par Thierry Meyssan

La Fed met l’Amérique latine au tapis en déclarant la guerre des devises

Declaración de la CELAC acerca de la Devolución a Cuba del territorio que ocupa la Base Naval de EEUU en Guantánamo

Las instituciones profundamente antidemocráticas de la supuestamente democrática Unión Europea

US Democracy Down for the Count: What Is It the Scandinavians Have That We Don't?

Economic Update: How Markets Fail

Will Washington Repeat the Mistakes That Led to the Iraq War?

Saudi Arabia Is Killing Civilians With US Bombs

Will the 2016 Primaries Be Electronically Rigged?

Six National Security Questions the Presidential Candidates Don't Want to Answer

The US Starves Syria

М.Хазин, "Прогноз на 2016 год"

После санкций


Экспроприация экспроприаторов

The Dirty War on Syria: Washington, Regime Change and Resistance

Weapons of Mass Financial Destruction (WMFD)

UN Security Council to Consider defining all Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territories as Illegal

Syriza and the Greek Debt Crisis: Austerity Unbroken

Interview with Syriza's former chief economic adviser Jannis Milios

TTIP – How the US crushed the cornerstone of EU climate change policy

Macedonian media: ‘We will not accept a puppet leader’

War and the destruction of social infrastructure in America

Why Western Pundits Want China to Fail

Why “Real American Leftists” Should Not Vote for Bernie Sanders

Big Pharma and Big Profits: The Multibillion Dollar Vaccine Market

Common Security – Progressive Alternatives to the New Arms Race

US Wants Russia Transformed into a US Vassal State… Doomsday Clock is Three Minutes to Midnight

Global House Price Crash Led by Major Cities And Rapid Exit Of Investors

Obama’s Iranian Missile Sanctions Were Deceptive and Hypocritical

American Democracy Down for the Count?

Форум CELAC, или Призрак социализма к югу от Рио-Гранде

Термоядерное испытание в КНДР: вызов миру или путь к самосохранению (II)

Цель Международного уголовного суда – ликвидация неугодных глав государств

Эво Моралес как лидер сопротивления неолиберализму в Латинской Америке

Фальшивая Украина

You Won't Believe What This US Ambassador Said About al-Qaeda's Syrian Allies

Nazi Roots of Ukraine’s Conflict

The U.S. Intervention in Libya Was Such a Smashing Success That a Sequel Is Coming

Western State Terrorists Slander Putin

9/11: A Wilderness of Mirrors and the Prince of Darkness

Seven Years of Monetary Quackery; Can the Fed Admit it Was Wrong Yet?

The World Economic Forum – Financial Collapse Or Not Collapse – That Is The Question

How Did The US Go From A War On Terror To A War Of Terror?

The Game of Demonizing Putin

What’s Really Going on With Oil? By F. William Engdahl

Presidential Crimes Then And Now — Paul Craig Roberts

Corrupt US Government Accuses Putin Of Corruption

Германская социал-демократия на пути, ведущем вниз

Охота началась. Проверки активов нерезидентов в Великобритании и США

Почему Польша может оказаться для Евросоюза опаснее Великобритании

Давос-2016: что в сухом остатке?

How Americans Are Increasingly Turning Their Backs on the Poor

This Is the Most Pragmatic Way to Fix American Democracy